Feed the Future

Project Name: Facilitate access to crop-based finance to develop the safe vegetable production cluster by 5000 farmers in Shariatpur

Project Objective:
• Develop safe vegetable production cluster.
• Ensure the farmers’ access to quality inputs.
• Creating access to crop-based loan products for vegetable farmers.
• Promotion of Climate Smart Agricultural Practices.

Project Goal:
Increase productivity, profitability, and quality of vegetable crops.

Project Brief:
Vegetable demand in Shariatpur, as well as Bangladesh, has rapidly increased. But the productivity of vegetables in Shariatpur is lower compared to other districts in Bangladesh due to a lack of access to finance for more investment and a lack of access to quality inputs as well as bio-rational crop protection products.
However, crop-based seasonal loans can play a significant role in farm productivity and enhancing the economic well-being of the target population.
SDS will select 5,000 vegetable farmers (Eggplant, Okra, Bitter gourd, Cucumber, Tomato, Chili, Bottle gourd, Cabbage, Cauliflower, and Snake/sponge gourd), organize them in some production clusters in Shariatpur. The organization will facilitate technical capacity-building orientation of the vegetable farmers on proper input usage, modern production technologies, pre & post-harvest management, and good agricultural practices (GAP). Each farmer will have an average of 30 decimals of vegetable land. Through capacity building, SDS targets a 15% increase in productivity, producing 7630 MT of vegetables from 607 hectares of land.

Working Area: (Name Of Sub District, District.) Shariatpur Sadar, Zanjira, Bhedarganj, Naria

Beneficiaries: Vegetable Farmers

Major activities:
Market linkages, capacity building of farmers on good agricultural practices that includes efficient and safe use of chemical fertilizers, water-efficient irrigation tools/techniques, improved soil layout, high yielding and climate resilient seed varieties, crop diversity, IPM technologies, application of compost, post-harvest quality control, and waste management. Subsequently, farmers will apply their knowledge and improved technologies, leading to improved water and soil conservation, restoring fragile crop ecosystems, and improving farmers’ resilience.



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